Palette Skills Helps BC Employers Compete and Win In New Economy
Rapid upskilling opportunities are being funded with $35M by Upskill Canada as part of the Government of Canada’s Upskilling for Industry Initiative
Rapid upskilling opportunities are being funded with $35M by Upskill Canada as part of the Government of Canada’s Upskilling for Industry Initiative
Partnering with upskilling experts during an economic downturn is not merely a strategic move; it’s a transformative investment in the future of your business. And when you decide to work with a national talent platform like Upskill Canada by Palette Skills, you are making a commitment to change and grow.
The fact is that as a B2B sales professional, you’ll face rejection all the time. What matters is how well you handle rejection, how much you learn from it, how resilient you are, and how rejection figures as part of your long-term game plan. So here are four ways to make rejection work for you.
It’s exciting news, so at Palette Skills, we wanted to find out more. We asked our friends at Canada’s TAP Network to share the results of their recent survey of tech salary trends across the country. Here’s what they told us. (Blog by Tap Network)
When they work together, nonprofits can share knowledge, amplify impact, and help create a more connected Canada.
If we know that too much uniformity is bad, why do we accept it in our workplaces? Palette Skills looks at how to build diversity in your organization!
The recent pandemic has only widened Canada’s skills gap, and shows us why now it’s more important than ever to build our country’s digital skills.
A great cover letter and CV are magical things. We look at some of the things you can do to help your cover letter and CV cast a powerful spell on your prospective employer!
There are more jobs out there than what you’ll find through the various job websites or employment agencies. To access them, you need to find out what they are, where they are, and what you need to do in order to get one of these hidden jobs, if you want one.
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