The Palette Skills Alumni Community

Stay connected to grow and thrive.

Your journey with Palette continues after graduation. Access ongoing support, networking opportunities, and industry contacts. Join forces with like-minded individuals, stay competitive in a rapidly evolving job market, and leave a lasting mark in your industry.

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Did you complete a Palette program? Join our exclusive alumni LinkedIn group to learn about events, learning opportunities and ways to get involved.

Job Search Support:

Unlock success and get hired.

Pay It Forward:

Inspire success in others.

Networking Opportunities:

Make meaningful connections.

Continue learning:

Enhance your skills.

Industry Connections:

Expand your horizons.


What it’s like to be a Palette Skills alumni

Meet graduates from all three of our programs

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Quickly train for a job in tech sales and B2B sales with SalesCampSalesCamp is a 6-week online career transition program designed to show you the practical skills and mindset you need to succeed in a sales role. It’s designed for professionals looking to make a career change or those transitioning into their first tech sales job with no prior industry experience. No previous experience in sales is necessary. 

We’ll connect you with sales leaders, career coaches and to an amazing group of SalesCamp alumni who currently work at innovative tech companies. 90% of SalesCamp participants receive offers after completion.

Digital Agriculture Fundamentals Program

The Digital Agriculture Fundamentals program (formely the Automation and Digital Agriculture Specialist Program) from Palette Skills is an accelerated 8-week intensive program for residents of Saskatchewan that gets you up to speed with automation and digitization technologies in agricultural production and processing. We’re training workers ready to hit the ground, giving them the tools they need to identify, manage, and implement technological solutions across the agri-food value chain.

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

The Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program is designed to help graduates with quantitative degrees and/or professionals with advanced computing work experience quickly transition into high-demand roles in cybersecurity. Palette Skills worked with an advisory board of top cybersecurity leaders from organizations like KPMG, Scotiabank, WiCys and The University of Toronto to build our training curriculum. That is why our program has a job offer rate of 90%! Get started on the path to one of the fastest growing careers in the country.

Link-Up & Learn: SalesCamp Alumni Networking Event

Connect with Our Alumni Advisory Council

The Alumni Advisory Council is a group of Palette upskilling program alumni who have been elected to advise on the direction of our alumni community. They meet monthly and volunteer to support alumni initiatives and Palette’s upskilling programs. If you’d like to be part of the Alumni Advisory Council, please send us an email to let us know ( Applications open each year in January/February. 

Join the Palette Skills Alumni Network - Career Support and Networking

Lisa Nortoft-Daigle

Lisa, a proud Calgarian with over 20 years of IT experience, excels in bridging the gap between technology and practical applications. Her recent graduation from the Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program has equipped her with a solid understanding of agribusiness dynamics and a commitment to learning and embracing strategic forward thinking. With expertise in leveraging cutting-edge technologies like IoT and AI to optimize processes, she is well-positioned as a strategic advisor on the Palette Skills Alumni Advisory Council. Lisa is dedicated to empowering alumni, fostering innovation, and driving positive change in AgriTech, aligning with her passion for social impact and community betterment and opening doors for others daring to leap into a career pivot.

Alumni Success at Palette Skills - Building Strong Professional Networks
Event Planning Officer & Vice Chair

Arsalan Karimi

Arsalan Karimi graduated from SalesCamp in 2023 and has since been working as an Account Executive at Softchoice. His journey through the program equipped him with practical skills and a deep understanding of the industry. Arsalan's past experience includes Sales and Customer Operations roles at industry leaders like IWG & Shell. He has also been an active contributor of the society, serving as President at a Welfare Organization, SWAT (Social Welfare and Trust Pakistan). He is excited to be a part of the Palette Skills Alumni Network in helping individuals achieve their true potential.

Career Development and Networking - Palette Skills Alumni Community
Operation Officer

Anas Allawanseh

Anas Allawanseh is a seasoned mechanical engineer with a rich 8-year journey in leadership roles within the food and manufacturing realm. Armed with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, he takes pride in his prowess in analytics, project management, and cost reduction. Throughout his career, Anas has led teams, orchestrated maintenance operations, and seamlessly executed projects, showcasing my robust leadership and analytical skills. Proficient in programming languages, SAP, and inventory management, Anas brings a strategic edge to foster operational excellence and innovation.

Empowered Alumni - Career Success Stories from Palette Skills Graduates
Research & Evaluation Officer

Deb Bhattacharjee

After earning his Post Graduate Diploma in Management, Deb started his career as a marketing strategist, working on many global brands over the past decade. After several years in this role, he decided to make a career switch where he can leverage his transferable skills to build a career in tech. He presently works as a Territory Account Executive at Softchoice and a part-time process-efficiency consultant. He is excited to be part of AAC to contribute and share his learnings and motivate fellow alumni to take that leap of faith who is thinking of making a career switch.

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Palette Skills Alumni - Connecting Professionals Across Industries


Contact our Partnerships team to learn about the ways you can connect with Palette Skills alumni and program participants. 

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Happy people at work upskilling and reskilling


January 13, 2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. 


Email for more information about our alumni community. 

Our incredible alumni community | SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Megan Skelly

Enterprise Business Development, D2L

“SalesCamp gave me my confidence back. After spending six months applying for jobs and receiving zero responses, I’d lost faith in myself and my abilities. The SalesCamp program gave me the tools and connections to start applying again, and to my surprise, I received multiple job offers within a month of completion.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Our incredible alumni community | SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Marie Horstead

Business Development Representative, Pagefreezer

“SalesCamp is very thoughtfully structured with value built in everywhere. I was blown away how prepared I felt in just 7 days. The support was ongoing after the official course concluded with career counseling and resume workshopping available. The Palette network was actively assisting me even when our class time had concluded.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Our incredible alumni community | SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Pushkar Chandiok

Sales Account Manager, SoftChoice

“Prior to the Sales Camp, I wasn’t open to starting from an entry level role. However, after my multiple interactions during the networking sessions, my biggest takeaway was that I needed to just get in and then create my own growth path. In tech sales, you can put your experience to good use and then grow really quickly.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Kate Conway

Kate Conway

Business Development Representative, TouchBistro

“The best thing about SalesCamp was the support from everyone. It was the perfect safe space to fail because you could only go up from there and everyone involved, whether it was campers or facilitators, wanted to build you up as much as possible.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Our incredible alumni community | SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Alvin Meledath

Customer Success Manager, SoftChoice

“I loved the hands-on, team-oriented experience that SalesCamp provided and enjoyed working on live client pitches and presentations. The Palette community was there to support me from day one and beyond, and they helped ensure that I had the tools and resources to find my dream role!”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Wes Dominique

Wes Dominique

Director of Mortgage Sales, Edison Financial

“Get out of your comfort zone. SalesCamp is intense, but if you put in the work, you will meet some incredible people and get the tools and support you need to achieve success during and after the program.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Alumni headshot SalesCamp

Alicia Haber

Account Executive, LinkedIn

“SalesCamp connected me with top tech companies and set me up for success when meeting them. We did interview prep and reformatted our resumes. I learned a lot throughout the journey and it definitely helped me get to where I am now.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Michael San Felipe

Michael San Felipe

Commercial Account Manager, Softchoice

“Trust the process. Skills learned through SalesCamp are building blocks for a more successful and confident B2B tech sales professional. I felt uncomfortable at times and had to work hard, but the end result is worth it.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

SalesCamp Alumni- Orion Kemp

Orion Kemp

Technical Sales Representative, Wesco Distribution

“If you have any interest in sales, it’s a great introduction into the industry and networking day is great practice to talking to new companies and improving your story. It inspired me to keep networking and that there are no bad connections.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Kendas Hansen

Kendas Hansen

Recruiter, Tundra Technical Solutions

“SalesCamp was an amazing experience that I will remember as a huge part of my success in the beginning stage of my new career. The support from the cohort was inspiring, since we were all strangers at the start of the week. Everyone helped create a safe space to be myself and you don’t find that everywhere!”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Dave Morrison

Dave Morrison

Business Development Specialist, The Sales Factory

“One thing that you won’t ever find in the onboarding process of a company however is how to optimize your approach to interviews for new companies. I see this aspect of the SalesCamp curriculum as one of the most important based on the rarity and value of the information. The program is GOLD!”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Jonathan Kobos

Jonathan Kobos

Employment Engagement Strategist, Achievers

“Everyone is there to support you. We all carry this notion that business is selfish, and sales people especially can be slimey. Throughout this journey I’ve been so pleasantly surprised at how generous people, VERY successful people, are with their time and their advice. If you’re prepared and you meet them halfway, all you need is to ask.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Our incredible alumni community | SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Kaylea Gray

Sales Development Representative, Achievers

“My experience at SalesCamp was really positive and fun while still being informative and actually useful. The most significant thing I learned in SalesCamp was to stay uncomfortable and be confident in myself at the same time. If you’re willing to put yourself out there and go for it, good things will happen.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Danny Nguyen headshot

Danny Nguyen

Business Development Representative, Goose Digital

“When I started at Salescamp, I thought I would be cold calling all day and sending bland emails to companies, but you don’t! What I’ve learned is that you help prospects identify the problems they have with their business, and see if your company can help! You’re practically being a hero being assigned to help others in need!”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Belal Al Hassani (Billy)

Belal Al Hassani (Billy)

Business Development Representative, The Sales factory

“The inspiration I found at SalesCamp is that if anyone else is finding success & getting remote positions, then so can I.  Some people even said they received their ‘dream’ positions with their ‘dream’ companies. That is very profound to see because it proves that within Tech Sales, there are life changing opportunities.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Our incredible alumni community | SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training | Cole Papalazarou

Cole Papalazarou

Business Development Representative, StoryTap

“I found inspiration that I actually had the sales skills I needed to succeed in this industry. I learned how to take a lot of the natural skills I had in conversation and selling myself, to translate that to SaaS selling. I was surprised at how many great employers I was connected with at the end.” 

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Osama Shahbaz

Osama Shahbaz

Sales Associate, Achievers

“Every single person I came across was incredibly uplifting and I felt like I grew a lot as a person because of my experience in SalesCamp. I felt more comfortable in the B2B sales space and loved getting to meet the hiring partners and hearing their stories as individuals and as companies.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Alina Perepnykhatka

Alina Perepnykhatka

New Business Associate, Zensurance

“I absolutely loved it! It was challenging in the beginning but 100% worth it! I liked the learning strategy and all the workshops that we had. Thanks to Matt, Megan and other Palette Skills staff we had a variety of interesting learning activities. Just give it a try! Make that first step outside of your comfort zone and within a few days you will be so proud of yourself for doing that!” 

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Samantha Nichols

Samantha Nichols

Specialist, Foreign Exchange Dealer Support

“A major accomplishment for me through my SalesCamp training was really solidifying techniques and imbuing confidence into tactics I had never considered before. I have incorporated so much of what Matt and Megan have taught in the intensive week course. It is so important to be involved in the lessons and to interact with your fellow cohort. It only assists in your development.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Alex Bornais

Alex Bornais

Sales Development Representative, Vena Solutions

“If you really are committed to sales, SalesCamp gives you a great starting point in terms of knowledge and understand and opportunity to get your foot in the door of the industry. Overall I thought the program put me in a good position to meet great people and land a job with an amazing company. I was surprised how much we were able to learn in such little time.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Imran Sheik

Imran Sheik

Customer Success Manager, Firmex

“SalesCamp goes far and beyond the training period where you can always reach out to them for inputs. I got to network with my cohorts who had similar interests which is SALES. This is one stop platform to expand your network, learn and grow.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Kimia Nalchi

Kimia Nalchi

Business Development Rep, thoughtExchange

“SalesCamp will change your perspective about approaching people and representing yourself even if you didn’t think sales is the  career you necessarily desired. I cant wait to make connections with others and the program was overall an amazing experience.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Shalmali Sathe​

Shalmali Sathe

Sales associate, Splice Digital

“My experience with SalesCamp was fantastic. Unlike a lot of programs, the content, assignments, and tasks were relevant to what’s actually going on in the industry. The sense of community and the feedback I received from my peers and mentors in SalesCamp was phenomenal. As a newcomer, it gave me a lot of confidence for navigating the Canadian job market.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Saif Husain Khan

Saif Husain Khan

Business Development Representative, PartnerStack

“Prior to SalesCamp, I was working as a Quality Engineer at a tech company. Although I enjoyed the technical aspect of engineering, I was completely burnt out and had no idea where to take my career. People assume that transitioning your career is impossible and that you can spend years looking for jobs without finding the right place. My SalesCamp experience helped me to push myself and make the change.“

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Andrew Perciballi

Andrew Perciballi

Sales Development Representative, Venafi

“It was unbelievable meeting with a bunch of other people who were nervous and eager. Everyone had such personal stories and when I looked at my classmates I felt like I was part of something bigger. The process of SalesCamp makes you realize how capable you are of this career switch and let’s you test out some practices and see how they feel.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Tina Chiang

Tina Chiang

Accounts Payable Project Specialist, Beanworks by Quadient

“Before SalesCamp, I was a server experiencing listlessness and an eagerness to learn and grow. I wanted to choose a career path where I would still get to interact with people since I am passionate about human interaction. I was surprised to realize that I already had a lot of the soft skills required to succeed in a sales role!“

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

James Miller

James Miller

Customer Success Manager, ResQ

“The experience at SalesCamp was boundary pushing and took me outside my comfort zone in a lot of ways, but it taught me a lot professionally and personally. I found the inspiration to commit to pivoting out of the hospitality industry for good and to apply to positions I didn’t think I had the skills for before SalesCamp. SalesCamp allowed me to see that the skills I had developed during my hospitality career were transferable to other industries.“

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

John Woohyun Choi

John Woohyun Choi

Sales Development Representative, Trulioo

“Thanks to the Palette Skills Team, my cohort, and the employer partners who participated in SalesCamp I was reminded that my experiences are unique and there are things that only I can offer. For any future SalesCampers, I say: Take initiative, don’t hesitate to ask for help, and be comfortable with going out of your comfort zone. It is an amazing program and you need to put the work in and be attentive to make the most out of it.“

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Michaela Senkiw

Michaela Senkiw

Market Development Representative, TouchBistro

“Before completing SalesCamp, I didn’t realize just how much experience I could bring to a sales role. I was inspired by the other participants in my cohort and their eagerness to transition into tech sales, which gave me an extra push and confidence boost to go after jobs that I otherwise wouldn’t have. I was also inspired by the company partners and the products overall. Tech is a fascinating industry and so are the solutions that some of these different software companies are coming up with.“

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Lyndsay Park

Lyndsay Park

Sales Development Representative, Vena Solutions

“I would have to say the most significant thing I learned was to trust the process, that getting out of my comfort zone would help me the most. A lot of things felt challenging, but I also knew that I had an entire team of fellow SalesCamp colleagues who were there to support my success, give much needed feedback, and encourage me along the way. For anyone who is considering making a career transition, or is simply looking to acquire a new skill, I highly recommend SalesCamp!“

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Chuck Nguyen

Chuck Nguyen

Implementation Specialist, Instant Financial

“The whole cohort was super supportive and inspiring, but also competitive and pushed me out of my comfort zone. Everyone had their own insecurities and were trying to use the camp to become the best version of themselves, and that gave me courage to do the same thing. If you’re lost on your journey of finding a career path or maybe you’re looking to learn and make connections in the tech sales industry, then this is for you!”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Meryl Howsam

Meryl Howsam

Commercial Account Manager, Softchoice

“Working in sales was not what I’d pictured. It is, or should be, about building relationships with customers and learning their needs, not about being a telemarketer. The way we were taught to interact with the customers reminded me a lot of the work I did in my previous career as a publicist.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Michelle Fernandes

Michelle Fernandes

Learning Experience Designer, TuesdayAfternoon Media Inc. (TAM)

“I was inspired by the self-discovery this program challenged me with. I think it is so important to understand what motivates you, who you are, and what your purpose is. The skills and experience you will have at SalesCamp are valuable in so many ways. It is a short investment of your time, with a profound impact on your life and professional success.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Quynh Trang Bui

Quynh Trang Bui

Territory Account Executive, Soft Choice

“SalesCamp was a great experience for me. I got to learn from very dedicated trainers and the people behind SalesCamp truly cared about my success. I felt supported in all aspects including job leads, interview practice, and company research. I didn’t expect to meet with so many hiring partners and tech companies. It was one of the best thing about SalesCamp.“

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Brendan O'Sullivan

Brendan O'Sullivan

District Manager, ADP

“Keep being personally accountable and surround yourself with great people; mentor others and be open to being mentored yourself too. The supportive nature of everyone in the program  motivated me throughout the journey. What stuck with me was how interesting and awesome our cohort was.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Tammy Hart

Tammy Hart

Business Development Representative, Vidyard

“My experience was more than learning valuable skills, important interviewing techniques, and the amazing opportunity to have conversations with some of Canada’s most innovative tech companies. It was having my drive for success, belief in myself and fire reignited through world-class coaching and support, trusting in the process, being pushed outside of my comfort zone, compacted into the most intense 6 days of my professional life.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Camila Martinez Saiz

Camila Martinez Saiz

Sales Development Representative, Mentimeter

“SalesCamp really pushed me out of my comfort zone. From day one I was encouraged to believe in myself and just go for it! What we learned in theory was always followed by a practical case where we could role play what we learned and build our confidence. Ultimately, in addition to learning the step by step process of consultative selling, I learned that if I push past my own barriers there is real growth and opportunities that follow.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Our incredible alumni community | SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Ali Al Lawati

Business Development Rep, MinuteBox

“I was on employment insurance after my previous contract had ended. I was looking for a change and a chance to compile my experience and skills into a rewarding career. Through my training experience, I developed confidence in my skillset and interview skills. After meeting so many fellow participants from different backgrounds, I feel like there are unlimited possibilities to life.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Kamal Lutfi

Kamal Lutfi

Business Development Rep at Intellijoint Surgical Inc.

“I had an exceptional sales coaching and training experience with SalesCamp. I learned to build a process that works best for you and your goals. Stick to that process and keep grinding until you hit your goals!”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Austin Reyes

Austin Reyes

Business Development Rep at The Sales Factory

“SalesCamp was an invaluable experience that I’ll continue to remember going forward. I felt supported every step of the way and learned skills that were essential for sales, job searching, interviewing, and succeeding in a B2B tech sales role.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Amanda Chigumira

Amanda Chigumira

Business Development Manager, Digital Boundary Group

“I’ve always been curious and SalesCamp really pushes curiousity, learning, making mistakes and asking questions. I found inspiration in my team mates, hearing their perspectives and their support.”

SalesCamp: B2B Tech Sales Training

Our incredible alumni community | Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Ruhid Mirzayev

Data Scientist,

“Palette Skills helped me to learn about automation in ag, soil, pest management, ag business, precision ag, data management and networking with the industry leaders. It’s an intensive program taught by highly qualified instructors. There are a lot of skills to be learned and if you don’t know how to switch your career in ag-tech, this program may be the right one for you.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Our incredible alumni community | Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Dushantha Kularathne

GIS Analyst, Ministry of Environment -SK

“Being a part of this program was a great experience. It was great to meet so many wonderful people and work with them. You should sign up to this program if you want to change your career to digital agriculture. Working hard is the key to achieving it.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Bibi Haghdan

Bibi Haghdan

Agriculture Technology Program Support Specialist

“Participating in the Digital Agriculture Program gave me a fantastic opportunity to leverage my solid educational background and experience in the Western Canadian industry. I found out how much transferable knowledge I have. This program is helpful because its methodology works on technical and soft skills, which helped me land in the right place and on the right career path.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Jader Ronconi headshot

Jader Ronconi

Senior Category Analyst, Nutrien

It was a great experience to share my previous knowledge and to learn from my instructors and colleagues. I learned a lot about the job market in Canada and how important it is to explore job searching tools as well as expand our professional network.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Rouvay Wilding headshot

Rouvay Wilding

Research Program Manager, University of Saskatchewan

“This program taught me the undeniable value of networking and connections. I met the most amazing people which have become part of my professional network. From the incredible Palette Skills team that were so invested in us from the start to the most amazing career coaches, course instructors and agriculture specialists, and the group of fellow participants that I shared many hours with during classroom discussions, breakout rooms and workshops. I learnt so much from each and everyone, and that made this experience even more enriching for me.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Anas Allawanseh headshot

Anas Allawanseh

Process Engineer, Farmer’s Business Network

“I found inspiration in the Digital Agriculture Specialist Program through the dedication of the Pallete skills team. They were committed to ensuring that the entire cohort had a wholesome experience and full support throughout the program. The coaching and follow-up sessions provided valuable guidance and mentorship, fostering personal and professional growth. Additionally, the team’s efforts to spread positivity through resilience classes and encouragement uplifted the cohort, creating an environment conducive to learning and motivation. Their commitment to our success inspired me to push myself and make the most of the program, knowing that I had a supportive network behind me.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Ismail Fatai Headshot

Ismail Fatai

Data Analyst, Government of Saskatchewan

“During my time in the Digital Agriculture Specialist Program, I gained important skills such as job interview preparation and self-confidence. The program’s mentoring component provided me with the motivation I needed to succeed.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Nadeema Omar

Nadeema Omar

Team Lead, Regina Work Preparation Centre

“This program provides insights, tools, and career options for anyone curious about the vast agriculture value chain. I highly recommend joining this program. It’s a transformative journey that empowers you to play an active role in shaping the future of agriculture.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Mohamed Helmy

Mohamed Helmy

Principle Investigator, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization

“Over the weeks of the program, I was impressed by the wealth of knowledge that the Palette Skills team put into the program and the quality of the instructors and coaches. The program team was exemplary in discipline and dedication and commitment to the mission of the program.”

Automation & Digital Agriculture Specialist Program

Our incredible alumni community | Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program​

Ren Zhu

Data Protection & Privacy Consultant, Deloitte

“The program team was very helpful both during the cybersecurity program and after. They helped me with the job search process by reaching out to people, reviewing resumes and giving general career advice.”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Our incredible alumni community | Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program​

Henry Vu

Cybersecurity Consultant, KPMG

“Be prepared to learn a lot. Pace yourself and take breaks when you can because there is so much to learn in a short span of time that it can be easy to get overwhelmed. It will be challenging but also very rewarding, so make the best of the opportunity to learn as much as you can and do try to get out of your comfort zone.”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Our incredible alumni community | Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program​

Mohammed Maaz

Software Engineer IAM, Mercedes Benz

“I had been job hunting since March 2020 and due to the pandemic there wasn’t much happening. The program helped me build a good network. I discovered where I was going wrong with my resume and I learnt how to become industry-ready.”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Victor Mouquin

Victor Mouquin

Data Security Analyst, eSentire

I have a PhD in Pure Math and I was an academic. While I enjoyed doing math, I wanted my work to have more of an impact in the ‘real world.’ The depth and solidity of the cybersecurity skills the instructors were able to transmit in only a few weeks was really impressive. The program is well rounded, and touches on all the core aspects of cybersecurity”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Samuel Likeng

Samuel Likeng

Strategic Risk Consultant, Deloitte

Through career coaching, I learnt that I have both the technical and interpersonal skills need to be a cybersecurity professional. I never would have landed this job without the Palette x Fields community. I will be forever grateful for their help.”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Jason Rose

Jason Rose

Cybersecurity Consultant, KPMG

“The best thing about the Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program was the industry connections. I would not have had a good chance of getting a job in cyber security without them. The staff were very supportive and there were many job-hunting sessions which focused on interview skills, building my resume, networking, etc. The staff were also helpful after the program finished, talking through interview strategies that suited my personality.”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Roger Bai

Roger Bai

Blockchain Security Engineer, CertiK

“The program felt that it gave a good introductory exposure to the many areas of cybersecurity. I always thought cybersecurity was mostly a technical field, but there are plenty of areas where deep technical knowledge is not needed, but rather, an understanding of general security principles and managing risks. Through the program’s support, self-study and practice, I set out and accomplished my goal of landing a technical role.”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Elliot Tang

Elliot Tang

Security Software Developer, IBM

“The best thing about the program was the wide coverage of everything in the industry from defensive security, offensive security, risk analysis etc. I learned that my previous academic experience as a mathematician and computer scientist was very transferrable to learning about cybersecurity.”

Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program

Eligibility for SalesCamp

To be admitted and accepted into the program, you must be:
  • Be actively searching for work and ready to take on employment opportunities tech sales.
  • Be able to legally work in Canada. 
  • Not be a full-time student.
  • Be a highly motivated individual actively seeking out new opportunities.
  • Have least 3 years of formal work experience in Canada or abroad.
  • Have an English language rating of CLB Level 8, or IELTS of 6.5 overall.
  • Be available for Zoom sessions, many of which will be full-time.
  • Be able and committed to attending networking day events as part of regular programming.
  • Be comfortable using technology and learning online.
  • Live or intend to live in the province where the program is being offered.
  • Have a reliable internet connection, device, and a quiet environment for virtual learning.
  • Be committed and able to join the Canadian workforce full-time immediately following the program.
You may not be eligible if:
  • You do not pass our application and/or interview skills assessment. 
  • You are not actively searching or able to start a job in business-to-business tech sales.
  • You are not able to legally work in Canada.
  • You do not reside in the province where the program is operating.
  • You are going to school full-time.
  • You do not have three years of work experience outside of your studies.
  • You are interested in taking SalesCamp solely for learning purposes, but are building your own business and not intending to work in the field.

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