Cybersecurity: the future of an opportunity
A call to action The recent global crash of machines using Microsoft Windows has highlighted the critical importance of cybersecurity
A call to action The recent global crash of machines using Microsoft Windows has highlighted the critical importance of cybersecurity
The promise of innovation in agriculture All over the country farmers are embracing sophisticated digital and precision agriculture as a
Clean technology will enhance Canada’s global competitiveness and economic growth, in addition to helping us reach important decarbonization efforts, reconciliation strategies, and create better employment opportunities in a net-zero economy.
Everyone needs to find their place in the future economy, which will be led by knowledge-intensive sectors like biotech and biomanufacturing. For job-seekers, our programs will help you upskill into a great career.
The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association reports that over 80% of companies face labor and skills shortages. Companies need new talent for advanced technology adoption, while workers require quick, industry-relevant upskilling programs.
Des opportunités de renforcement des compétences rapides sont financées à hauteur de 35 millions de dollars par le programme Rehausser vos Compétences dans le cadre de l’initiative de perfectionnement des compétences pour l’industrie du gouvernement du Canada.
Rapid upskilling opportunities are being funded with $35M by Upskill Canada as part of the Government of Canada’s Upskilling for Industry Initiative
During tough times, businesses cut back on new spending and where it happens at all, it’s directed at areas considered vital for survival and future growth. Workforces that made sense during the good times are let go, while talent pools that benefitted from optimistic growth scenarios are pared back. If you’ve been working in the service sector or in other occupations squeezed by the slump, this may be one of the reasons you’re considering a new career.
Partnering with upskilling experts during an economic downturn is not merely a strategic move; it’s a transformative investment in the future of your business. And when you decide to work with a national talent platform like Upskill Canada by Palette Skills, you are making a commitment to change and grow.
Many great upskilling organizations on the ground can help employers source great talent, while enabling workers to stay ahead of the learning curve. At Palette Skills, our experience shows at least five reasons your business should be partnering with upskilling organizations.
Explore how to overcome employer concerns when integrating individuals without industry experience. Uncover effective onboarding and training strategies to harness the full potential of new hires and drive team success.
The fact is that as a B2B sales professional, you’ll face rejection all the time. What matters is how well you handle rejection, how much you learn from it, how resilient you are, and how rejection figures as part of your long-term game plan. So here are four ways to make rejection work for you.
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