
Compétences en marketing numérique Canada

DELIVERED BY: The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) in partnership with GrowClass and Jelly Academy




7 weeks




Participants who take the Chartered Marketer (CM) Program will receive their CM designation.


The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) is Canada’s leading voice for the marketing profession and the catalyst to help marketers thrive amid the everchanging economy. CMA’s driving purpose is to leverage the power of marketing to build Canadian business success.

The CMA has brought together a consortium of leading organizations in the digital marketing space, that complement the training capabilities of the CMA, and share the commitment to working collaboratively to address the significant talent gap and need for digital marketers.

Partners include: Jelly Academy, an Indigenous-founded Canadian leader in digital marketing skills training, and Grow Class, one of the nation’s best short-cycle bootcamps delivering intensive training for digital marketing professionals to level up and upgrade skills in growth marketing.

The Digital Marketing Skills Canada (DMSC) consortium is delivering employer-driven programs that create new opportunities for diverse and job-ready talent to break into the digital economy, equipping them with the digital skills needed to thrive as digital marketers in the workforce of the future.

DMSC provides three customized training programs to meet the need for junior through senior marketers who are interested in upskilling, and also for Canadians without marketing experience who are interested in a new career. Each program runs for seven weeks, with an 80% target for subsequent employment within 6 months. Participants who complete the Chartered Marketer program offered by the CMA, will receive their CM designation, which is the only marketing designation available in Canada.

Eligibility for SalesCamp

To be admitted and accepted into the program, you must be:
  • Être en recherche active d'emploi et prêt à saisir les opportunités d'emploi dans le domaine de la vente de technologies.
  • Être en mesure de travailler légalement au Canada 
  • Ne pas être un étudiant à temps plein.
  • Être une personne très motivée, à la recherche active de nouvelles opportunités.
  • Avoir au moins 3 ans d'expérience professionnelle formelle au Canada ou à l'étranger.
  • Avoir un niveau d'anglais de 8 dans le cadre des NCLC ou de 6,5 dans le cadre de l'IELTS.
  • Être disponible pour les sessions Zoom, dont beaucoup seront à temps plein.
  • Être capable de participer à des journées de réseautage dans le cadre de la programmation régulière et s'engager à le faire.
  • Être à l'aise avec la technologie et l'apprentissage en ligne.
  • Vivre ou avoir l'intention de vivre dans la province où le programme est offert.
  • Disposer d'une connexion Internet fiable, d'un appareil et d'un environnement calme pour l'apprentissage virtuel.
  • S'engager et être capable de rejoindre le Main d'œuvre canadienne à temps plein immédiatement après le programme.
You may not be eligible if:
  • You do not pass our application and/or interview skills assessment. 
  • You are not actively searching or able to start a job in business-to-business tech sales.
  • You are not able to legally work in Canada.
  • You do not reside in the province where the program is operating.
  • You are going to school full-time.
  • You do not have three years of work experience outside of your studies.
  • You are interested in taking SalesCamp solely for learning purposes, but are building your own business and not intending to work in the field.

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