Palette Skills Named Great Place to Work®

Palette Skills has been officially recognized as a Great Place to Work®, joining leading Canadian organizations whose employees have created and excelled at fostering exemplary workplaces. 

Toronto, ON. April 26, 2023 – Palette Skills has been officially recognized as a Great Place to Work®, joining leading Canadian organizations whose employees have created and excelled at fostering exemplary workplaces. 

“We are extremely proud to have been certified as a Great Place to Work®,” said Palette Skills CEO Rhonda Barnet, “Our strong culture is designed to help our employees be their best and grow personally and professionally. Our people are our most critical asset, and creating a supportive workplace is vital to their success, the company, and Canadians.”

Palette Skills is a leader in developing employer-led upskilling programs that result in high-demand jobs in growing industries. Our vision is an inclusive economy where people and companies achieve their full potential. As such, Palette recently launched Rehausser vos Compétences, a national talent platform that will help fast-growing companies access the talent they need to succeed and create new career pathways for workers to rapidly transition into high-demand roles.

Palette Skills earned the certification following an evaluation of its culture and processes, using the Great Place to Work® Trust Index Score, with employee feedback factoring significantly in the overall assessment. Palette Skills is proud to be listed with an impressive roster of Canadian organizations to receive the highly recognized and credible Great Places to Work® certification. 

À propos de Palette Skills

Palette Skills is a national nonprofit whose purpose is to help Canada’s most innovative companies access untapped talent through industry-led rapid upskilling programs. Powered by a consortium of national business associations, leading academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations, Palette works to catalyze a network of partners to adopt new best practices in industry-led upskilling approaches. Palette Skills is hosted at the University of Toronto. 

About Great Place to Work ®

The Great Place to Work® Institute Canada is a research and management consultancy firm, founded in the U.S. with International Affiliate offices throughout the world. The Institute works with publications throughout the world to select “Lists of Best Workplaces”​ that appear in 49 different countries. In the US we produce the research for Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For List”​ and in Canada our list is distributed in the spring by the Globe and Mail newspaper. Great Place to Work® Institute has been listening to employees and evaluating employers since 1980 to understand what makes a workplace great. For more information, visit Great Place to Work® online at

Pour plus d’information ou pour les demandes de renseignements des médias, communiquer avec :

Alexandra Yallouz
Conseiller principal, communication et relations publiques
Palette Skills


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Eligibility for SalesCamp

To be admitted and accepted into the program, you must be:
  • Être en recherche active d'emploi et prêt à saisir les opportunités d'emploi dans le domaine de la vente de technologies.
  • Être en mesure de travailler légalement au Canada 
  • Ne pas être un étudiant à temps plein.
  • Être une personne très motivée, à la recherche active de nouvelles opportunités.
  • Avoir au moins 3 ans d'expérience professionnelle formelle au Canada ou à l'étranger.
  • Avoir un niveau d'anglais de 8 dans le cadre des NCLC ou de 6,5 dans le cadre de l'IELTS.
  • Être disponible pour les sessions Zoom, dont beaucoup seront à temps plein.
  • Être capable de participer à des journées de réseautage dans le cadre de la programmation régulière et s'engager à le faire.
  • Être à l'aise avec la technologie et l'apprentissage en ligne.
  • Vivre ou avoir l'intention de vivre dans la province où le programme est offert.
  • Disposer d'une connexion Internet fiable, d'un appareil et d'un environnement calme pour l'apprentissage virtuel.
  • S'engager et être capable de rejoindre le Main d'œuvre canadienne à temps plein immédiatement après le programme.
You may not be eligible if:
  • You do not pass our application and/or interview skills assessment. 
  • You are not actively searching or able to start a job in business-to-business tech sales.
  • You are not able to legally work in Canada.
  • You do not reside in the province where the program is operating.
  • You are going to school full-time.
  • You do not have three years of work experience outside of your studies.
  • You are interested in taking SalesCamp solely for learning purposes, but are building your own business and not intending to work in the field.

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